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at first glance artinya

contoh kalimat "at first glance"
  • At first glance there's little left here.
    Pada pandangan pertama ada sedikit yang tersisa di sini.
  • But I knew it was you at first glance, Kakarrot.
    Aku langsung tau itu kau, Kakarrot.
  • Because Mars seems, at first glance, very Earth-like.
    Karena tampaknya Mars, sekilas, sangat mirip Bumi.
  • At first glance, you might not notice anything different here.
    "Sekilas", tempat ini terlihat sama.
  • At first glance, they all look completely normal.
    Di pandangan pertama, mereka semua terlihat normal.
  • Egg? It looks like an egg at first glance.
    Sepertinya telur pada pandangan pertama.
  • At first glance it appears to be only the normal cotton fibres.
    Sepintas Tampaknya hanya serat Kapas normal.
  • Bipin's mother and wife rejected the child at first glance.
    Ibu dan isteri Bipin menolaknya pada pandangan pertama
  • At first glance you just might have your doubts
    At first glance you just might have your doubts
  • I knew it was him at first glance.
    Begitu lihat, aku langsung tahu dia itu Go Dong Ho.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5